A construction site background and a man with a 360 degree camera mounted on a tripod.

NCTech in XYHT magazine

A construction site background and a man with a 360 degree camera mounted on a tripod.

We are delighted for XYHT magazine to feature NCTech in the January edition of their surveying and VR publication. The article covers tech tools for capturing change in the construction industry over time and how they are drastically improving – recommending NCTech’s iSTAR Fusion as a camera with “amazing resolution”.

The article goes on to discuss a case study from Canada, where the iSTAR Fusion was used to capture a massive 640,000 sq-ft children’s/women’s hospital housing centre. You can read the XYHT article online here (page (p20–25).

Chris El-Araj, (Principal at Underhill Geomatics Ltd.) who participated in the case study said  “using the iSTAR 360 imaging system has been critical to providing foresight to data management considerations over the complete lifecycle of this project. Using such an efficient and consistent method of image documentation, means that we are sure to deliver within both an accurate and competitive cost-structure for our customer.”