TerraDat i-STAR


TerraDat is a specialist geophysical and geomatic mapping company, established in 1992, which is based in the UK and has subsidiary offices in Italy and Australia. The core business is sub-surface geomapping using non-destructive techniques (which do not involve cameras) but the company has expanded significantly into other surveying areas where high resolution reality capture, including photographic imagery, is integral.

Examples are, BIM (Building Information Management) and terrestrial laser scanning, which includes forensic work – both training and support – on crime scenes and mapping large scale disaster scenes where rapid collection of accurate datasets is essential. Other significant activity is structural monitoring, coastal erosion studies for local authorities, architectural visualisation work and digital preservation of heritage structures.

TerraDat i-STAR

“We use the iSTAR every other day – we’ve always got scanning jobs on – and it always goes out on them… it’s such a useful and quick tool for getting a representation of what’s there”