iSTAR camera provides rapid HDR imaging for Z+F 5010X 3D point cloud colourisation


The iSTAR 360 degree camera provides rapid, automatic High Dynamic Range (HDR) 360° imaging and can be used as a standalone device or for colourisation of point clouds created by spherical terrestrial scanners. Although the Z+F scanner can provide internal HDR colour capture, iSTAR can be used to provide HDR imagery with reduced capture time. A project was undertaken to partially scan and image the Eaton Experience Centre (Houston), using both technologies, to show their combined capabilities. Additionally, iSTAR images with no scan data paired were captured in order to enrich documentation data for potential digital asset management purposes. The results of the project carried out using LFM Software showed that iSTAR provides the ability to efficiently capture HDR colour and accurately combine this with the scan data for significantly improved 3D visualisation and time saving.

iSTAR in the field

The aim of this report is to show the workflow used to achieve
a quality, coloured point cloud using an NCTech iSTAR imaging device and a Z+F 5010X scanner within LFM Server, and its advantages. Data capture was carried out by Point3D.

01. Software installation.
02. Fieldwork.
03. Office-work.
04. Import still iSTAR images. 05. Results.

06. LFM Server dataset generation. 07. HyperBubble.
08. Conclusion.
09. Acknowledgements.

01. Software installation

Installing LFM Server

02. Fieldwork

Working with NCTech solutions is the easiest and most accurate method of colouring point clouds with iSTAR images:

02.01. PLANNING SCAN STATIONS requires no change to standard processes for scanning with or without colour.

Laser scanning with Z+F 5010X at the Eaton Experience Centre.

02.02. CAPTURING POINT CLOUDS with the Z+F 5010X. Select the laser scanner resolution you consider most suitable for the job as in normal use. NCTech solutions work irrespective of scan resolution. Four scan stations were performed for testing purposes (41.000.000 points/scan position approx.)

Z+F 5010X scanner and iSTAR station schema . Image courtesy of

02.03. CAPTURE iSTAR IMAGES by replacing the Z+F 5010X with the iSTAR3 camera at each scan station, and capturing 360° images in full colour. NCTech supply adaptor rods for the Z+F 5010X to accurately locate the iSTAR camera at the same central capture position as

the scanner. The suitable adaptor depends on the system used to connect tripod and laser scanner.

NCTech recommend a 167.8 mm pole (150-265 mm) to use in combination with Tribrach connection, both available at the NCTech

Adaptor rod in combination with Tribach connection to achieve the correct position for use with the Z+F 5010X laser scanner.

The iSTAR has different HDR modes enabling single exposure (HDR OFF), five exposure (HDR ON) and nine exposure (HDR PRO) 360° images to be created. Five exposure HDR imaging (HDR ON) was used here and capture time was typically 30s4 per scan position.

iSTAR’s on camera interface is designed to be very simple to use
like a regular automatic digital camera. Knowledge of photographic techniques is not required with the iSTAR, which automatically calculates the most suitable exposure value, taking into account the entire 360° scene. On the other hand, the Z+F 5010X imaging capture time was 3 m 30s (only imaging) per scan station.

03. Office-work


Unless otherwise instructed, LFM Server within Gateway mode will be used during the office-work. In order to change the mode, click on the small LFM icon placed on the left of the title bar and select “Gateway”.

Once LFM has been opened, an “Untitled” project is created by default. In order to change “Untitled” to our project name, the project must
be saved (by clicking on the large LFM Server logo in the top left and selecting Save) with the *.lfm file format in the selected location.

03.02. DEAD ANGLE.

In order to adjust the FOV of the laser scanning to the FOV of iSTAR, adjust the “Dead Angle” option from the “Options > Project” tab . The “Dead Angle” refers to the cut-off zone in the base of the scan. The default setting for this value is 24° but in order to match the iSTAR FOV, this value should be set at 45°.

Img. 03.02. Dead Angle of 45°set within LFM Server

Visualisation of the same scan station with a Dead Angle set at 24°Visualisation of the same scan station with a Dead Angle set at 24°

and 45° within LFM Server


To import scan data into LFM Server, right click on the project in the “Registration” tab and select the option “Import to this project”. Select the scans you want to work with by navigating to and selecting them in the browser. In our case this is data from a Z+F 5010X but it is important to highlight the fact that LFM Server can work with many other point cloud formats: *.fls (FARO Scan), *.fws (FARO Project File) *.3dd (Riegl Scan), *rxp (Riegl Vline Scan), *.rsp (Riegl Project File), *.ptx (Leica PTX Scan), *.ptz (Leica PTZ Scan), *.prj (Leica P-Series Scan), *.tzf (Trimble Scan), *.pts, *.e57, *.las, *.laz (Unstructured Scans) and *.dp (unstructured scans)…

Importing data to LFM Server


Once the scans we are going to work with have been selected, the “Conversion options” window will pop-up. Among other settings like range and intensity clipping, you’ll find a tick-box for “Colourise scans from iSTAR images”. Tick it and click on “Choose colourisation files…” in order to open the corresponding dialog where a table with all the scans will be shown. Double click in each row of the Colourisation

file name column and then click on the dot button to locate the corresponding *.nctri file. Repeat the same process for all scan files and press “OK”.

Conversion options and *.nctri file selection for colourisation with LFM Server

The conversion state will be reflected in a progress bar placed beside each scan station name. Once one of them has been 100% converted it can used, meanwhile, the conversion of the remaining scan file occurs in the background. Note the conversion includes, among others, NCTech ColourCloud colourisation.

Conversion progress bars including NCTech ColourCloud colourisation corresponding to each scan station within LFM Server

To view and to process scan data, scans have to be ‘Loaded’. Right click on the corresponding scan > Load points.

Load points in the 3D View within LFM Server

Loaded points in the 3D View within LFM Server

In this project, registration was carried out based on targets but a survey was not available and therefore “Perform Bundle Adjust” in the Options > Project tab needed to be set to “Yes”.

Perform Bundle Adjust value within LFM Server

Targets can be marked within the 3D View or the BubbleView (right click on the scan position to be opened > Show BubbleView or alternatively, drag and drop the scan onto the 3D View tab.

BubbleView within LFM Server

In order to mark targets, click on the “Pick Targets” button on the Tools toolbar and click on the target centre. A small augmentation window will pop up where the center can be marked more precisely. Toggle between different types of targets (checkerboard, spherical or free pick) by rolling the mouse wheel. Once the target center has been selected, the “Identify Target” window will be opened to name the target.

Target identification within LFM Server

To register the scans, right click on the scan group and select “Register All and Bundle Adjust”.

For further information about registration, including target prediction and improving the accuracy of poorly fitting targets check, the “LFM Server Gateway Mode – Data Preparation and Registration” user manual.

Once registration is finished, it can be useful to update the scan file headers. This will store the position, the rotation and the targets in the *.zfc files instead of just within the project file and therefore scans can be added to another project in the correct position.

To update the scan headers right click on a scan group and select Scan Headers > Update Scan Headers.

Registered point cloud within LFM Server

Note that if scans are registered locally to each other, it is possible that the master scan (the one to which others are registered to) could be classed as unregistered. Unregistered scans are not included within the LFM Server dataset generation so in order to ensure

this scan is included, right click on it and select the option “Force to Registered”.

04. Import still iSTAR images

To import still iSTAR images, right click on the name of the project in the “Registration” tab and go to “Import to this project” which will open a window browser to search for your files. LFM Server: Gateway Mode accepts images in *.png, *.jpg and *.nctri formats so the user can directly import the *.nctri file or a *.jpg gained from NCTech Immersive Studio. In this case, *.nctri was the chosen

format. Once the images have been selected, a “Conversion options” window will pop-up where, among other features, an image preview is displayed. A progress bar will appear beside the image name.

Once the progress bar disappears, a BubbleView can be opened by right clicking on the image within the “Registration” tab and selecting “Show BubbleView”. A new tab named after the image will be created. Alternatively, the image can be dropped into the 3D View tab or selected in the 3D View and open the BubbleView by right click > Show BubbleView. Note the BubbleView functions are limited to visualisation if there is no 3D point cloud data linked.

Open BubbleView within LFM Server


Imported still images (with no point cloud data linked) are placed at

0,0,0 position by default but they can be relocated by:

Editing Coordinates: To edit coordinates, select the image in the “Registration” tab and in the Attributes Window select the x/y/z with left mouse click. Double click on the appropriate field so it can be

edited. Enter the desired coordinates and press Enter.

Visual positioning: Right click on the image in the “Registration” tab and select “Manipulate”. A red/green/blue coordinate frame will be shown with the “3D View” tab.

The image can be moved by clicking and dragging the appropriate arrow. Once the image has been moved, right click on one of the arrows to accept the new position or press Escape to cancel and

recover the original position.

Any iSTAR still image present in the project at the point of dataset (*.lfd) generation will be carried through to the LFM Server dataset for viewing by engineering users.

05. Results

A dataset from Eaton Experience Centre was obtained following the described workflow. The dataset combines point clouds coloured using iSTAR data along with NCTech ColourCloud integrated within LFM Server and 54 still iSTAR images.

Registered point clouds coloured using NCTech ColourCloud integrated with LFM Server 3D View within LFM Server (default point size)

Registered point clouds coloured using NCTech ColourCloud integrated with LFM Server 3D View within 3rd party software.

Note the only visual difference between Img.05.01 and Img 05.02 is default point size within LFM Server and therefore how dense the point cloud looks but the colour representation in both software is quite close to reality, providing a good solution for iSTAR colour quality representation.

Coloured point clouds and still iSTAR images can be navigated within the 3D View or BubbleView where scan positions are represented
by a scan 3D icon and iSTAR images within *.nctri file format are represented with an iSTAR 3D icon. By right mouse clicking on any of those icons the user can “Manipulate” (move) the corresponding data or “Show BubbleView” (open a BubbleView in a new tab) from both 3D View and BubbleView.

Data navigation within 3D View in LFM Server

Data navigation within BubbleView in LFM Server

A virtual tour generated with the 54 still STAR images within a 3rd party software (courtesy of Point3D) can be explored here:

06. LFM Server Dataset Generation

06.01. LFM Server Deliverable (*.lfd) Creation.

Once the scans in the project have been registered, an LFM Server Deliverable (*.lfd) can be created. LFM Server dataset compilation is available in LFM Server: Gateway Mode (Advance Mode required) and an LFM Generator license must be available in order to generate the dataset.

Generation settings in LFM Server

Right click on the corresponding scan group and select the option “Generation settings” so that a new “Generation” tab will appear where the following settings and locations need to be selected:

Location for Destination file: select the folder where the LFM Server dataset will be created.

Intermediate Points Locations: select the folder where the intermediate files will be created. Note it is advisable to create a new empty folder before adding it.

Final Points Location: this section creates an automatic folder called “points” within the folder specified by user as “Location for destination file”.

Volume clipping: define the volume to be considered for the *.lfd creation between “Unlimited” (include all scans of the group), “Current Volume” (generate only points within the selected volume) and “Min/ Max” (generate points within the minimum and maximum corners of a volume).

Density: choose between “Full”, “Half” or “Quarter” resolution. Incorporate Colour Information: Tick the box to apply colour to the

scans points.

Once all information has been provided, click on the “Dataset” button on the “Generation” Toolbar. A pop up window will inform you about the spaced required on the hard disk and after accepting it, a second window will appear to give a time estimation for data creation.

Incorporate colour information within LFM Server Deliverable (Generation settings).

During dataset generation process a progress bar will be displayed at the bottom right corner.

In the case that the LFM Server dataset folder is the only one delivered, the BubbleView files (*.int) files need to be copied into the “pngs” folder where *.lfd file is created.

07. HyperBubble

The HyperBubble is an immersive advance rendering of laser scan data that delivers photorealistic visualisation with the ability to freely navigate a project. HyperBubble is available in LFM Server: Server Mode and an LFM Generator license must be available in order to publish the data (Advanced Mode required).


Once the LFM Server Deliverable (*.lfd) has been created, HyperBubble data can be created by simply right clicking on the LFM Server dataset and selecting “Publish… > LFM HyperBubble Resources”.

HyperBubble data publishing in LFM Server

A pop up window will inform you about the spaced required on the hard disk. After accepting it, a browser will appear where you must locate the .zfc files (by default they are within the project folder). A message will pop up when complete but meanwhile a progress bar will be displayed on the bottom right corner.


Click on the “HyperBubble” button placed on the View toolbar. The HyperBubble data will be displayed in the “3D View” tab. Toggle between “HyperBubble” button and “Park” button (which displays the closest available parked HyperBubble with the “3D View” tab) placed on the Control toolbar depending on your visualisation need.

HyperBubble data in LFM Server

Note the visualisation quality changes between photographic HyperBubble display (Img. 07.02) and plain coloured point cloud (Img. 05.01).

Within the HyperBubble, use the left button in combination with mouse movement in order to fly and the right button to move the viewpoint along the Z axis.

08. Conclusion

HDR 360° images can be obtained using iSTAR for image capture, then these images can be used to add HDR colour to point clouds by using NCTech ColourCloud fully integrated within LFM Server or as still 360° images to enrich data visualisation as described here.

Furthermore, working with NCTech solutions combined with LFM Server for point cloud colourisation and still HDR image for digital asset management is advantageous to alternative techniques for a number of reasons:

Only one iSTAR shot is needed to colour the entire scene at each view instead of multiple shots and images per position. This means less time capturing on site and also eliminates patchy colourisation experienced where individual images are optimised for their unidirectional view, then combined.

Knowledge of photography techniques is not needed since iSTAR analyses the whole scene to calculate the most suitable camera settings for the full 360 view.

Simple use, minimal training. iSTAR and NCTech software are designed to be highly automated and user friendly, with minimal training required.

Automatic overlay of iSTAR images to point clouds, avoiding the requirement to manually define common points, eliminating user error and enabling batch processing for efficient operation.

High performance output in difficult lighting conditions. iSTAR
can provide high visual quality images in a wide range of lighting environments as a result of the automatic HDR settings and EV range up to 27 f-stops.

Reduced fieldwork data capture time. iSTAR can provide high visual quality images (HDR ON: 5 exposures, HDR PRO: 9 exposures), often in significantly less time compared to the laser scanners internal camera. The HDR imaging process with iSTAR typically takes 1.50’ to fully complete (including data save during which time the camera can be moved), depending on lighting conditions. In good to moderately low lighting this will break down to: 4s Analysing + 7s Capturing + 1.39’ Saving = 1.50’ total. In HDR Pro mode for maximum 9 exposure dynamic range in very low light this may be 4.50’ total: 1.40’ Analysing + 1.20’ Capturing + 1.90’ Saving.

Fully integrated workflow. NCTech ColourCloud technology is integrated within LFM Server from version onwards and therefore, the user benefits from a workflow within their usual point cloud software with no need to learn new software or change their workflow. In addition, benefits from using iSTAR data extends to the HyperBubble which delivers high quality photorealistic visualisation for coloured scan data.

09. Acknowledgements

NCTech greatly thanks LFM Software Ltd http://web.lfm-software. com/, Jenni Copple, Claire Pulella and Ryan Kilmurray for their help and technical support and Point3D especially Gregory B. Lawes, Julie Schmitt and Andrew Mangini for their collaboration and data capturing.

iSTAR camera provides rapid HDR imaging for Z+F 5010X 3D point cloud colourisation

LFM Software and iSTAR’s ability to efficiently capture and combine HDR colour significantly improves 3D visualisation and time savings.