About Us

Headquartered in the UK, with significant operations across North America, Europe and Asia, NCTech has specialized in high-resolution 360° imagery since 2010. We have since evolved into a leading provider of geospatial data and insights to Big Tech, Government, Transportation, Telecommunications, Utility and Engineering customers.

Working with global partners, we are the largest independent provider of street-level geospatial data in the world

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Big Aspirations

We developed our own proprietary capture hardware, automatic processing pipeline, AI insights and easy to use delivery technology, to enable global scale and efficiency.


In safe hands

In safe hands: We are delighted to be supported by our investors Archangels, Scottish Enterprise and British Business Bank.

office building
Happy customers
Global service provider

NCTech has built a reputation as being the fastest, most cost-effective, and scalable street-level data provider worldwide.

Customers include Government Agencies, Utilities, Mapping and Technology companies.  Through our mission we are bringing the benefits of street level imagery and data to more people than ever before. 

Our VR.World platform provides access to street level imagery for more use cases than ever before.  Integrations with our GIS and CAMA partners mean we have adopted both industry and open standards to aid simple integration to your GIS and CAMA systems.

Replace physical site inspections with most cost-effective street level imagery and data insights, delivered within the systems you use today, when you need it.